Castletown Heritage Society

The Annual General Meeting of the Castletown Heritage Society will be held in the Castlehill Heritage Centre on Wednesday, 27 April at 7.30pm.
The guest speaker will be Ian Leith, author of "The Man Who Went to Farr", the story of Patrick Sellar, the factor who stood accused of culpabable homicide for his part in the Strathnaver Clearances.
Mr Leith, whose family belongs to this corner of Caithness, returns to the topic of the Clearances for his talk "Remove or Improve - the Sellar and Traill approaches.

Once the formalities of the evening were over we were treated to a fascinating illustrated talk by guest speaker Ian Leith, author of "The Man who went to Farr", the story of Patrick Sellar, the factor who stood accused of culpable homicide for his part in the Strathnaver Clearances.
During his presentation "Remove or Improve - the Sellar and Traill approaches", Mr. Leith compared and contrasted the approach and achievements of the notorious Patrick Sellar with that of his contemporary James Traill who is held in a far more positive light, both of whom played their part in delivering improvements during the late 18th and early 19th century.
The thought provoking presentation sparked lively debate with members of the audience adding some fascinating additional insight. The excellent evening drew to a close with the traditional serving of tea and biscuits, and much continued discussion!

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